FAQ (4)
1 Who are you? (IS)
1 Who are you?
We are a group of people composed by Icelanders and friends with the aim of supporting Iceland is this crisis and beyond
2 Are you a partisan organization? (IS)
No. Currently we do not favor or support a political party. We think that party politics are a serious problem in times of change because they restrict thinking and needed reforms. However we follow ethics.
3 What do you do with my donation? (IS)
All donations will be used according to NyÌssköpuns charter. Your money will be spent to allow the organization to operate. Donations for a particular project will only be used for the project according to the claimed usage.
4 Should you not be in Iceland all the time? (IS)
No. Times change and modern technology allows to follow information over distance. We found that independence and a fresh look by contrasting different realities helps to stay focused and independent in opinion.